WALMART SHOPPERS FLEECED ON INSIDE CRIMINAL FRAUD JOB. When customers asked to be reimbursed, Walmart said, “Sue us.” 

Luxury is being a fat cat or a kindle of them as attested to by the Walmart spawn of useless Billionaires. And when it comes to the little people, The Walmart Shoppers, you are just fertilizer for those lovely spring parties on the palatial estates of the nepotistic money bags. “Care for a mint julip?” or maybe you would like a nice slice of “Watermelon.” NO! Customers want their freaking money back. WALMART DEFRAUDS CUSTOMERS 300 STORES.

Put down your mint julips and let’s deep dive into this WALMART CRIMINALITY…

This is from the US Attorney’s Office in Western Michigan:

As part of the conspiracy, the codefendants stole high-priced electronics, such as internet routers, Apple products, and iRobot vacuums, from Walmart stores. They also purchased high-priced electronic goods matching those that were stolen. Using a variety of means, they altered the Walmart receipts from purchased goods and used them to conduct returns of both the stolen goods and the purchased goods, effectively getting double the return value for each item they purchased as part of the scheme. The group stole over $275,000 in Walmart electronics and conducted fraudulent returns in excess of $400,000.

Brazen is exactly the way to describe what happened.

“People just piling up electronic equipment and walking out the front door, with the goal of going back in to ‘return’ the product,” said Judge Jonker. In discussing the broader implications of the fraud scheme,

Judge Jonker explained, “It isn’t just Walmart. It’s the whole community. It’s all of the people that go to Walmart to buy things that now have to pay more for things because Walmart has to pay for the theft, somehow. . . . Stealing money without violence is still theft, it’s still serious, and it’s still something that people need to be accountable for.”

“This crime not only affected a major retailer, it affected the lives of hundreds of Walmart employees. Some store associates had Walmart keys stolen from their hands as they opened electronic cases for the defendants. Others had their vests, name tags, and store radios stolen. One associate required emergency medical treatment after being assaulted during a theft. And countless Walmart employees were pressured by Adarius Ferguson while he made fraudulent returns.”

CARDS WERE SKIMMED: Here is how they do it but at a different Walmart in New York.

The cards of Walmart customers were skimmed and used to buy electronics at out-of-state Walmart stores. So basically, the customers’ skimmed cards were used to make Walmart purchases, thus impoverishing the consumer and enriching Walmart. 

Banks didn’t catch the out-of-region fraud with their card fraud surveillance teams. The secret teams that don’t even inform their bank customers they have been defrauded. 

Community First Credit Union of Jacksonville, FL, literally gave a pass to all out-of-region transactions if they were made at Walmart Stores as far away as 1500 miles. In some cases, the out-of-state Walmart store numbers were on bank statements. These banks overlooked every safeguard. Even after the Fraud was discovered, this Credit Union kept a lid on it and didn’t even request VIAS to recall the skimmed cards. That is the definition of fraud. Oh, but, but, but they are investigating it now in 2025! 

And you can forget the claims that VISA cards were safe. The Banks were negligent in their safeguards, but they want to blame you of course.  

The skimmed cards used the new VISA chip technology. Even with this massive fraud, VISA never returned customers’ money stolen. Banks who removed the money from Customer accounts, never returned the money, never even told fleeced customers about this 300 store customers fleecing. They hid it all intentionally and never performed a forensic audit. The credit unions call these fleeced sheep, members. But the Federal Laws are set up so that members can’t complain to the Federal Agency that oversees these Credit Unions.

The Credit Union can fleece your accounts with impunity.

The National Credit Union Administration is an American government-backed insurer of credit unions in the United States, one of two agencies that provide deposit insurance to depositors in U.S. depository. But of course, actual members and customers don’t count and can’t file claims. 

The US Attorney only prosecuted 7 criminals in a massive chain of others that remained invisible in the wheel and spoke conspiracy. 

The SEC didn’t do a thing, either. Walmart hid this fiasco from the shareholders and why not… the stolen money was only used to buy Walmart products, so sales were up.

Any Walmart customers in the years 2021 through 2022 need to check their bank record for out of state Walmart transactions. Some will have a store ID number of the out-of-state Walmart store that used your cards. But most will be hidden from your view by the Banks that fleeced you in the dark of night. 

Who is the bigger criminal, the card skimmers or Walmart, Community First Credit Union and other BANKS, VISA and the Card Companies that spend billions lying that their cars and your money are safe. This card fraud has been going on for 60 years and it is only getting worse.

Remember, Walmart wants you to sue them… they said so.


“Anybody else care for a Mint Julip up here on the Walmart kids’ Plantation porches?”

FTC Sues Walmart for Facilitating Money Transfer Fraud That Fleeced Customers Out of Hundreds of Millions.

“While scammers used its money transfer services to make off with cash, Walmart looked the other way and pocketed millions in fees,” said Samuel Levine, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. “Consumers have lost hundreds of millions, and the Commission is holding Walmart accountable for letting fraudsters fleece its customers.”

Remember this: Walmart doesn’t operate in a vacuum. They rely on banks and credit Unions and VISA to lift money from your accounts while your back is turned. They all knew about the fleecing and kept silent, ripping you off like you are dirt without value. 

There are more fleecing going on at Walmart stores in Georgia and Upstate NY at this time. Hundreds of millions of dollars. 

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